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Numerical Analysis and Applicable Mathematics

Research Article


A Study of Estimation of Sexual Harassment by Direct Questionnaire Method and Methods of Randomised Response Technique


Anjali Singh*a and Sheela Misraa

aDepartment of Statistics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow -226007, India.

*Corresponding author E-mail address: (Anjali Singh)

Article History

Publication details: Received: 16th September 2020; Revised: 03rd February 2021; Accepted: 05th February 2021; Published: 05th March  2021

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Anjali S.; Sheela M. A Study of Estimation of Sexual Harassment by Direct Questionnaire Method and Methods of Randomised Response Technique. Numer. Anal. Appl. Math., 2021, 2(3), 1-8.



It has been observed that males commonly harass women. Sometimes males are also harassed by females, but this happens rarely. In both cases, men and women do not speak directly. Most of the time, they avoid it when the problem becomes severe and take any action. In this paper, we discuss how to collect information about these sensitive questions by randomize response techniques. Also, we show that these techniques are better than a direct questionnaire method.


sexual harassment; randomized response technique; Warner’s method; Simmon’s method; direct questionnaire method

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